Research Core Facilities

Cell Sorting and Analysis Core

Director: Michael Lee, MS, SCYM(ASCP)CM

Flow cytometry has become central to the ability to characterize, purify and separate cell types based on surface characteristics. The objective of the core is to provide technical support and access to highly sophisticated instruments for persons at UCSF performing asthma-related research. Contributions from SABRE Center have been partnered with the Diabetes Center, individual investigator resources and institutional resources to support the space and maintenance of the core. Students and postdocs participate in training in the core at an area where training can be centralized in order to facilitate maintenance and oversight.

Website: Flow Cytometry Core

Functional Genomics Core

Director: David J. Erle, M.D.

The Functional Genomics Core makes microarray technology readily available for investigators researching questions relevant to basic biology of asthma and continues to support many investigators studying immunology, airway cell biology, lung development, and other relevant areas.

Website: Functional Genomics Core

Genetics Core

Director: Esteban G. Burchard, M.D., M.P.H.

The Sandler Asthma Genetics Core Facility was established to foster genetic research in asthma. To accomplish this goal, we offer SABRE sponsored investigators a “full service of genetic testing and analyses.” We analyze promising candidate genes identified by SABRE investigators using biologic material (DNA and plasma) from two large well-phenotyped cohorts of ethnically diverse subjects with asthma.

Website: Genetics Core

Microscopy Core

Faculty Director: Matthew Krummel, Ph.D.

The objective of the SABRE Microscopy Core is to advance light-based imaging of the lung and associated tissues. Our core operates under the presumption that critical understanding of diseased tissues and organs will come with the study of the activities of component players (cell types, effector molecules) in their native environment. The SABRE microscopy core is currently the major single supporter for a larger campus-wide imaging initiative termed the Biological Imaging Development Center (BIDC) which seeks to specifically address deficiencies in imaging technologies as applied to multiple biological problems. Given the local expertise in studies of host-immune interactions, a great deal of emphasis is also being placed upon supporting these applications. As such, the efforts of this center are being directed toward improved imaging technologies for immune interactions; particularly within the lung.

Website: Biological Imaging Development Center